Customer Reviews

From a third-party customer study:

"On the front end of the projects they ask good technical questions, are focused on my needs, and are very responsive."

- Luke S.

From a third-party customer study:

"Consistency. In my history of working with RMF, the design hasn't changed. It's the simplicity of their design, the timelessness of design. It equates to reliability."

- Hans S.

Testimonials Slider

A slider of testimonials with a featured image. Options to choose each testimonial individually or choose by category. Leave blank to select all.

Label Name Type Notes
Heading testimonials_slider_heading group (Clone of group_5f592cd62e1bc)
Show... testimonials_slider_show select
Testimonials testimonials_slider_testimonials relationship
Category testimonials_slider_category taxonomy
Image testimonials_slider_image image
Background Color testimonials_slider_background_color button_group (Clone of group_5f592ddee9bbc)