Meat Processing Massaging Equipment: Top 3 Criteria

For Top Performance in Meat Processing Massaging Equipment, Challenge RMF Sets the Standard.

Meat Processing Massaging Equipment Challenge RMF
Challenge RMF Vacuum Meat Massager is unmatched in performance

When it comes to performance, Challenge RMF sets the standard for three important criteria in meat processing massaging equipment: production, quality, and cost of ownership.  Combined with our unique design and exclusive Meat-on-Meat Massage™ technology, Challenge RMF is the world leader in the further processing of value added whole meat muscle products.

First, Challenge RMF Leads Industry with Greatest Production in Meat Processing Massaging and Marinating Equipment

One of the key components to profitability in a meat processing plant is productivity.  Challenge RMF massagers are capable of faster massage cycles which means more production per day. And our Meat-on-Meat Massage™ action requires no rest periods meaning shorter cycle times for processors.

Product massaged in a Challenge RMF Massager results in the highest quality
Product massaged in a Challenge RMF Massager results in the highest quality

Second, the Highest Product Quality is Realized with Challenge RMF Meat Massagers

Whole muscle products which are massaged in Challenge RMF massagers result in a superior appearance with outstanding color development.  When combined with our unmatched muscle tenderization, the results are the highest product quality. Only the Challenge RMF massage can tenderize the muscle and activate proteins at the core without inflicting damage to the surface, meat fibers, or connective tissues.

Third, Challenge RMF Massagers and Marinators Offer the Lowest Cost of Ownership

Because Challenge RMF’s unique Meat-on-Meat Massage™ achieves the greatest water binding with natural meat proteins, processors use a far lessened amount of added ingredients. As you know, ingredients are costly. Ultimately Challenge RMF massagers and marinators pay off by avoiding these added costs.  Also, Challenge RMF massagers have the lowest operating costs and maintenance.  And as a testament to our long-lasting durability, the first massager built and installed in 1980 is still in use today!

For Further Processing Needs Turn to Challenge RMF

Together with our RMF family of companies, our team of engineers, technicians, and industry experts, we stand ready to deliver a single unit or design and equip an entire plant.  For over seven decades, RMF has been custom-designing, engineering, and manufacturing turn-key food processing systems. Contact Challenge RMF today to find out how we can put our performance expertise to work for you.