Challenge RMF Meat Massaging Achieves Significant Product Formulation Cost Savings.
High quality/low cost meat muscle products are the goal of meat processors — and readily achieved with the Challenge RMF exclusive Meat-on-Meat Massage™ action. The quality vs. cost conflict is a battle for processors using traditional ‘lift-and-drop’ tumblers. Challenge RMF takes away the battle and allows processors to focus solely on enhancing product quality. Moreover, Challenge RMF meat massaging does it better, with lower costs.
Formed Large Muscle Product Adds Value
Most processors will agree that a large muscle product adds value and is perceived as higher quality than products made by binding together small muscle pieces. Processors often use smaller pieces, however, because typical tumblers and massagers are not capable of penetrating large muscles deep within their core to release the water-binding proteins needed to grow and bind them.

Breaking Connective Tissue Surrounding Water-Binding Meat Protein is a Win
Challenge RMF’s unique Meat-on-Meat Massage™ breaks deep-core connective tissue allowing the muscle to grow as added ingredients are bound by the natural meat protein. Traditional lift-and-drop tumblers impose a surface impact on the muscle, but insulate the core from the benefit of the process.
Because connective tissue is permeable, brine and marinade can pass through it. However, because connective tissue is not soluble (therefore forming a barrier), meat cell expansion cannot occur. It has to break. Challenge RMF’s kneading technique breaks the connective tissue targeting the core as well as the exterior. Unlike tumblers, the integrity of the muscle is uncompromised.
Challenge RMF Massagers evenly distribute brine and marinade in both whole muscle or sectioned and formed meat and poultry products.

Increased Production Efficiency with Challenge RMF Meat Massaging
As a bonus, the Challenge RMF Meat-on-Meat Massage™ increases efficiency as the effective large muscle handling is applied continuously, with no need for rest periods, as is often required by traditional tumblers. Contact Challenge RMF today to learn further how your processing can benefit in so many ways!